Leadership Development
AXA PPP Healthcare
AXA PPP Healthcare
The organisation is a healthcare and financial services organisation which was bought out by Guardian Royal Exchange who were in turn bought out by the AXA group. The programme began during a period of considerable organisational change. SML was specifically chosen as a management development strategy to facilitate that change. The programme was provided initially for 120 senior managers and was subsequently rolled out to all areas and at all levels of the business.
The organisation is a healthcare and financial services organisation which was bought out by Guardian Royal Exchange who were in turn bought out by the AXA group. The programme began during a period of considerable organisational change. SML was specifically chosen as a management development strategy to facilitate that change. The programme was provided initially for 120 senior managers and was subsequently rolled out to all areas and at all levels of the business.
As identified in the handbook given to managers at the start of the programme:
Evaluation Methods
From Peter Owen, (CEO of PPP healthcare at the time of the programme) when asked what he felt the organisation had achieved through the programme:
“I think there are six:
These are the things I see and applaud from it and I don’t really see any negatives: the talking shop is a potential negative, but I haven’t seen any evidence.”
Quote from a participant:
“The other important benefit is to do with knowledge creation. One of the most wonderful things about this process is that through the Learning Groups and discussions, you’re creating corporate knowledge. And, because you make things explicit, things happen. If you share the knowledge and ideas you have, or if people talk about things they want to do, things happen. Organisational knowledge is created when tacit knowledge becomes explicit – when it is shared and articulated through socialisation within the Learning Group.
It’s about creating concepts and making people plan and take action – action is very important. The more people are talking to each other, communicating, the sharper the company will be. There’s more action. If people keep all their brilliant ideas and thoughts to themselves, nothing will happen. This is a very focused way of getting ideas and knowledge shared. Corporate knowledge is created. Knowledge kept to yourself is useless, if you share it other people get excited by it and add to it – that’s really brilliant – it makes things happen!”