09 Jan Reg Revans (1907 – 2003)
Reg Revans died peacefully in his sleep on 8th January 2003, aged 95. ...
Reg Revans died peacefully in his sleep on 8th January 2003, aged 95. ...
The Centre is continuing its connection to the Centre for Educational Innovation at Sussex University. ...
The same team of Ian Cunningham, Ben Bennett and Graham Dawes that brought you (or maybe not you, specifically, if you didn’t buy one) the 'Exercises for Developing Coaching Capability' (Institute of Personnel and Development Publications, London. Published in USA as ‘The Coaching Skill-Builder Activity Pack’ by the American Management Association, New York) are at work on the ‘Handbook of Work-Based Learning’ for Gower. The phrase ‘work-based learning’ has become the overarching term for all manner of approaches which, as it says on the can, are based on learning in the work context. All the methods pre-dated the existence of...
A report on the CSML Network Seminar : 30th March 2000 ...
With Professor John Stephenson Report on the Seminar Linked with the 'International Centre for Learner Managed Learning' Held on 11th January 2000 Twelve Centre members and guests spent a fascinating afternoon hosted by University of North London Business School in January. Through dialogue with Professor John Stephenson, we learnt about linking learners, universities and organisations. Professor Stephenson has had a long association with learner centred approaches to learning and has set up the International Centre for Learner Managed Learning at Middlesex University. He posed a couple of questions at the start of the session - How can we prepare ourselves for a world that...