07 May The Centre is mentioned by ‘MAO’
Thought we’d heard the last of him. Actually, in this instance he is an acronym (where he can’t do much damage). It stands for: Management-Andragogik und Organisationsentwicklung, – basically management and organisation development. Though the Maoist acronym may evoke May ’68 and plumes of tear gas drifting across burning barricades as the cobble stones of Paris got ripped up, this is a quarterly journal edited by Dr Rolf Th. Stiefel operating out of St Gallen, Switzerland. Dr Stiefel is very well respected in the German-speaking management development world and his journal, (reviewing books and development approaches), receives serious attention from practitioners. An entry in his journal, though, is not necessarily beneficial as his criticisms command an influence equal to his recommendations. Fortunately, he saw the Centre in a positive light.
Consequently, due to a very brief mention of our existence, we have had three enquires about the Centre from Germany. This has resulted in our being able to welcome a new member of the Network in Dr Michael Fritsch of H. Neumann International, working from Speyer in Germany. We met up when he was in London in November and found we had a number of shared perspectives on learning and development. Hopefully, his joining will add to our increasing international presence, on which the Centre’s forthcoming website may have quite an impact.
Graham Dawes